GCS Highest Enrolling U.S. Site for Colorectal Cancer Trial

Friday, December 3rd, 2004

Georgia Cancer Specialists, in a clinical trial sponsored by Roche Pharmaceuticals, has become the highest enrolling U.S. site for first line treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.

James Gilmore, Research Operations Director at GCS, said, “We are pleased to be participating in such an important colorectal trail.”

GCS began participation in the trial August 6, 2003, and has since enrolled 14 subjects. The trial originally began as a comparison between two medicines: Xelox and Folfox 4. In February of 2004, the trial was amended to include the newly approved Avastin, therefore becoming Xelox +/- (with or without) Avastin vs. Folfox 4 +/- Avastin.

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