Dr. Weakland Emphasizes Importance of Exercise for Breast Cancer Patients on CBS
New, Large Study Produces Convincing Numbers About Positive Link Georgia Cancer Specialists (GCS) physician Dr. Laura Weakland recently participated in an interview with CBS 46 news about a new study on the positive link between breast cancer and exercise. The piece, which aired March 30 and was reported by April Nelson, discussed a large Boston […]
Drs. Feinberg and Lesesne Featured in Recent Atlanta Business Chronicle Health-Care Quarterly
GCS Physicians 2 of Only 10 Oncologists Consulted for Special Publication Georgia Cancer Specialists physicians Dr. Bruce Feinberg and Dr. Bancroft Lesesne appeared in the February 13-19 Atlanta Business Chronicle Health-Care Quarterly, titled “Georgia Attacks Cancer.” They were 2 of only 10 Atlanta-area oncologists the ABC interviewed in a section titled “Cancer Docs Sound Off. ” Dr. Feinberg, GCS […]