Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in females in the United States and the second most common cause of cancer death in women. One in eight women will develop the disease at some point in her lifetime. Although there are several risk factors you can’t control, such as age, family history and race, […]
Going Natural this Easter
Whether you are a Christian, or simply celebrate Spring this Easter weekend, you may be coloring eggs with your children or grandchildren. Coloring eggs takes me back to memories of my mom setting up a row of coffee mugs on the kitchen table, each filled with vinegar, water and a PAAS® colored tablet. We’d dip the eggs […]
Five Tips to Spring into Wellness
In case you missed the news, yesterday was the first day of Spring. Temperatures dipped below freezing last night, making this fact hard to believe. But before we know it, the heat of Summer in the South will be upon us. Traditionally, Spring is a season of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection, and growth. No matter […]
Can’t Stand the Heat? Get in Your Kitchen!
Inflammation is something we all experience from time to time on the surface of our body as redness, heat, swelling and pain. We cut our finger and it looks red and swollen. Short term inflammation is a good thing – it’s our body’s way of healing. What we as healthcare professionals are more concerned about […]
Building a Better PB & J
Who doesn’t love a PB & J sandwich? I suppose if you have a nut allergy, then it’s not an option, but for me, it’s a classic comfort food. Yesterday was a long day. I walked in the door at 9:30 p.m. and had not eaten dinner. My saving grace? PB & J. When my […]
It’s Time to Get Moving
After a brief exercise hiatus, I went back to my boot camp class this morning. It was tough. Not nearly as tough as I imagine chemo would be, but I felt as nauseated as I imagine some people feel on chemo. I only took a few weeks off, but it’s amazing how the body reacts […]
Staying Safe & Fighting Cancer with Leafy Greens
According to the CDC, food-borne illness sends 128,000 Americans to the hospital each year and kills 3,000 annually. A report released just this week based on 10 years of research links food borne illness to leafy greens. The authors did not cite specific foods (i.e. whether or not kale is worse than spinach). I know what […]
Protecting the Prostate
A study published this week links eating fried foods to cancer – specifically prostate cancer. This may not be rocket science to you. Fried foods made the news a few years ago when lab tests commissioned by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) showed very high levels of a cancer-causing chemical “acrylamide” in french fries and […]
Twelve Tips to Boost Your New Year’s Weight Loss Success
Have you resolved to shed a few pounds this year? For cancer survivors finished with treatment, weight loss can be beneficial and may actually reduce your risk of cancer recurrence. But if you are currently on cancer treatment, you should talk with your physician before starting a weight loss plan, as weight loss during treatment […]
Boost Your Bug Fighting Powers
I beat the flu in December, thinking I was in the clear. But apparently, that’s not the case. After spending much of the holiday season traveling in cold snowy weather on planes, trains, and buses, it appears another bug got the best of me. So I went in search of what I can do to […]