Reaching a Healthy Weight at Any Age: Is it Possible?

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

If any of you follow NBC’s hit show “The Biggest Loser,” you know that this season, the contestants started in three teams based on age – the 20-somethings, the 30-49 year olds and those 50 plus.

Most of us would probably think the 20-somethings have an advantage, but is that really the case?

From personal experience, I was thin in my late 20’s. Now, ten years later, I weigh a few pounds more, but I also work out more and wear the same size clothing. Staying thin takes more effort than it used to, but it IS possible!

Why is this? 

In our 20’s, our metabolism is going strong. Most of us are still very active, and some of us are still growing in our early 20’s. If you were athletic in school, chances are you still have some muscle mass from that time. It seems you can eat and drink all you want and not gain a pound.

Even if you did gain the freshman 15 in college (or even the freshman 40), the weight seems to fall off with minimal effort. Then the big 3-0 hits.

What happens?

After age 30, many factors lead to weight gain:

  • Focusing on relationships, family and careers may lead to less time taking care of ourselves
  • Having a desk job over time leads to muscle atrophy
  • Muscle mass begins to decline.each year. Weight training can slow this process.
  • Stress from busy lifestyles may affect sleep habits, energy levels and weight.

So…is all hope lost?

The good news is weight loss IS possible after age 30 and beyond. As seen on “The Biggest Loser,” those over 50 CAN lose weight. More time and energy may be needed than when we were in our 20’s but it CAN be done!

What does it take to lose weight–at any age?

Try to reduce your calorie intake by 100 calories daily and use these simple tips below to move more.

At Home:

  • Talk with your family and/or partner about setting aside 30-60 minutes for you alone each day to exercise. Making yourself a priority will help you stay healthy to take care of others.
  • Rid your home of unhealthy junk foods – out of sight, out of mind.
  • Cook a healthy meal with lean meats and lots of fresh veggies. If you have children or a spouse, get them involved in meal prep.
  • Choose activities that get you moving! Take the dog to the park and play fetch. Take a family bike ride. Go for a hike on the weekend.
  • Reduce or skip happy hour or nightcaps.
  • Try exercises that don’t require any equipment.

At Work:

  • If you work at a desk, get up every hour and take a five minute walk at a fast pace. Over an eight hour work day, you will walk 40 minutes!
  • Deliver messages to coworkers in person instead of sending emails.
  • Stand and pace when talking on the phone.
  • Bring your lunch from home rather than eating out.
  • Replace your smoking or snack break with a short walk. Make sure to keep a pair of sneakers at work to make this easy.
  • More ideas for the workplace

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