Twelve Tips to Boost Your New Year’s Weight Loss Success

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Georgia Cancer SpecialistsHave you resolved to shed a few pounds this year?

For cancer survivors finished with treatment, weight loss can be beneficial and may actually reduce your risk of cancer recurrence. But if you are currently on cancer treatment, you should talk with your physician before starting a weight loss plan, as weight loss during treatment may not be recommended in the short-term – especially if the pounds lost are made up of muscle, not fat.

There are hundreds if not thousands of diets to help you succeed in your weight loss journey. But long-term success is based not only on what you put in your mouth, but also on your surroundings and environment.

So aside from what you eat, what other steps can you take to succeed?

Stephanie Rost, a registered dietitian with the new Weight Watchers 360 program, gives some great advice at

And if Stephanie’s tips are not enough, here are five more of mine to help you reach your goals.

  1. Find a weight loss buddy. Studies have shown that people who have strong support systems are more successful at weight loss. Whether you have one BFF or a few friends and family who can help, use these people to keep you on track.
  2. Use a small plate. Eat your meals on a plate no larger than nine inches in diameter. You’ll be amazed at how full your plate will look despite eating smaller portions. Better yet – fill half the plate with fruits and vegetables.
  3. Write it down. Hold yourself accountable by writing down not only what you are eating, but also how many steps you are taking every day. Aim for a long-term goal of 10,000 steps per day. Use a smartphone app or a pedometer to track your daily progress.
  4. Move for 10-15 minutes before each meal. Even if you don’t think you have the time or energy to exercise, everyone has 10 minutes before each meal to take a short walk. Get the blood flowing three times per day and at the end of the day, and guess what? You’ve added 30 minutes of activity to your day.
  5. Have a friend “on call.” Have that person you can call when you are about to binge on a box of brownies or a bag of chips that can talk you down from the ledge. Think you don’t have this person in your life? Most of us do, and it’s likely you can do the same for them as well!

Image courtesy of Grant Cochrane /

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